Tuesday, March 15, 2022

SOLSC 2022 #15 - Daffodils


It is March 2022 and time for the
Every single day, for all thirty-one days of March,
writers will share stories.
Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for creating this supportive community 
of teacher-writers!

Today, I offer daffodils and poetry ...

Poem 1 -
the daffodil

the daffodil
is nurtured with
a sun-kissed love
absorbed deep within
its roots

a hidden strength
when fierce winds blow
when furious rains pelt
when lightning fearfully strikes

the daffodil

My daffodils are visible reminders of the temperamental weather of March in the Mid-Atlantic. 
Let me show you, with pictures. 
Just ten days ago, I celebrated the very first daffodil in my yard:

March 5, 2022 - daffodils have arrived!

A day or two later, daffodils had popped out all over my yard and the neighborhood, only to be met with continuous rain (I blogged about this rainy day last week):

March 7, 2022 - daffodils are swamped by rain.

Then came this past weekend - Saturday, specifically:

March 12, 2022 - daffodils encrusted with snow and ice.

Oh no, snow! A wild, blustery, cold cold cold day. This is not good. 

And now, today, it was 70 degrees outside and bright sunshine. 
Check out the daffodils now - yes, a bit bedraggled, but, seriously, they are keeping on!

Today - daffodils in recovery.

Poem 2 -

dare to remember

dare to remember 
the bold bright beauty within


this worn out bedraggled painful whiplash 

cannot and will not 

always be

it will pass 

leaving you to

get up and try again


  1. Maureen, your daffodils pivoted! Those resilient flowers are amazing. I love daffodils but do t have any in my yard. What is wrong w/ me?! Your poems are lovely, too. Under all conditions “the daffodil adapts.” I want to be like that.

    1. Yes, Glenda, these flowers are resilient! I am amazed, as well. Thank you!

  2. This really made me so excited for my daffodils to bloom! Thanks for giving me hope to keep pushing forward and look ahead at what is to be!!

    1. I am so excited to have daffodils! Thank you for commenting.

  3. Maureen, so beautiful! And the photos you took of the daffodils are amazing. What a lot of whiplashing they have endured in their so sorry life so far. Crazy.

    I loved the message in poem 2 for us, straight from the daffodils.

    "it will pass

    leaving you to

    get up and try again"

  4. I love daffodils. They make me happy because of their bright colors and the fact that they always survive the wild switches of spring weather. Thank you for your pictures and your lovely daffodil poems.

  5. I love how they've adapted and come back thriving! Beautiful poems and pictures.
