Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Rabbit holes


On my walk this morning, I noticed so many more people than usual on the trail. Quite a few families, in fact, on bicycles or pushing strollers or playing near the creek. It took me a minute to realize - it's spring break week here - students are out of school, teachers have a much-deserved week to themselves. I'm so glad that the rain has let up for a day or two, and everyone can enjoy the sunshine and mild temps. Oh, how I loved April break! Truly, the end of this school year is in sight; those last weeks seem to fly by upon return.

We've been gardening and squabbling here. Sometimes, when I look out at the yard, all I see is what it needs - not what it has. Our yard needs a lot. Something. Focus. Love? It gets plenty of love; it has my husband - and yard work to him is what writing is to me - he piddles and dreams and puts things here, there and rethinks and wanders and tries again. I can't stand the 'in-between process' of the garden - I want it to look like a page from a gardening catalogue. I'm impatient. Thus the squabbling - totally started and stoked by me:

Me - Why did you move all the pavers from under the fire pit? I just did those last fall! 

Him - Well, I noticed they weren't level. So I'm making the pad level.

Me - Oh, nobody noticed! 

Him - I did. I'm fixing it. You don't have to worry about it; I've got it.

Me - Well it looks messy.

Him - Because it's in process. 

Me - Why do we even have that darn firepit? I hate that you keep it covered in the old brown tarp. It looks messy. 

Him - You bought it for my birthday a few years back, remember, hon? It doesn't have a cover and we don't want it to rust. We've had fun with it. 

(This man is too nice for a cranky wife like me.)

I heard the ugly in me. I wandered away and start pulling weeds nearby; I even mulched a part of the yard, soothing this insatiable need to 'complete' something, to have a finished task. 

It just feels like everything everything everything is up in the air, confusing, mixed up. We are in such a state of 'in-between'...we are a matter of weeks away from the start of a major home remodeling (contractor is in midst of securing permits) and inside the house is just a flurry of movement - emptying, culling, shifting, preparing. It feels as if everything I go to touch leads down some new rabbit hole, revealing something more, something unexpected, to do.

Then there is the larger world, which is off its axis. I can hardly bear to hear or read news - which makes me feel doubly bad, to be privileged enough to take it in small, manageable doses. 

It helps to write.
For some, it helps to garden.


It's Tuesday and I am participating in the
 Slice of Life.  
Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for creating this supportive community 
of teacher-writers!


  1. It's hard when I have a cranky day, and they seem to happen more often in the spring. I hope you are able to find peace in what is already done.

  2. Aw, Maureen, I’m sorry you’re in a cranky mood. It happens. “Snap out of it!” Can you hear Cher’s voice? Maybe you’re just feeling a need to have some order, and the garden is that one place where you will be able to escape when the rennovation starts. Anyway, Tony sounds like Ken when I get cranky, which I’ve been struggling w/ as the snow falls. See, it could be worse. 😉

  3. I am envious that you can do any kind of gardening. We woke up to snow last week Saturday and I have not seen much new growth yet. I am eager to get out there!

    I love that you have a supportive partner, even when you are cranky!

    I hope that your crankiness can subside soon.

  4. Yes to all of this! I actually often get this kind of cranky feeling on the first days of spring when I try to go outside and get projects started ... there's just so much to do!

  5. Oh, boy, can I relate to your post! I've been cranky too. We are planning to put our house on the market in early May but someone wants to see it this weekend. Both my husband and I have been working hard to complete all those odd jobs but the whole thing has made me cranky. He's manic and I'm putting on the brakes - not a good combination! I hope you feel better once your project gets started! Carol @ The Apples in My Orchard.
