Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I am participating in the
 Slice of Life.  
All participants are writing about one moment, one part of their day, 
on Tuesdays.

                                                        Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!

Today, I am absolutely blank on what I should write. I took a different approach and read through others' slices before returning to this blank page. I am still unsure.

We have entered the fifth month of this pandemic...it is really a marathon, isn't it? Plus, it's a marathon where some new horror happens daily, in ADDITION to the pandemic. The bad news doesn't seem to end. 

Let me "take stock," five months in:

1. There's another 1000 piece puzzle on the dining room table.

2. I can comb my bangs back behind my ears, a look I haven't had since I was about ten years old.

3. We are walking every day, long walks, sometimes twice a day, racking up some great 'step counts.'

4. The routes are so familiar now, I feel as if I could walk them blindfolded. (I miss going on hiking vacations...or any vacations at all.)

5. I have mastered 'social distance' walking with friends, and the conversations are worth every bit of the inconvenience of masks.

6. I finally got to see Hamilton! 

7. My goal of treats once a week has long ago dissolved; almost daily, I seem to follow a half-cup serving of ice cream with a handful of potato chips, and, honestly, neither of these should be in the house, let alone my body.

8. I have a daily argument, first thing in the morning, with my scale. It always ends with me making false promises.

9. I am reading a lot; some of it is very hard, with lots of learning about racism, policing, white supremacy...I am thankful for the education, and hopeful for our next generation of leaders.

10. Although I desperately miss traveling out of state to see family, I am delighted with my weekly Zoom calls to my father. (He turns 91 this week!) He often greets me with a "Hey, there you are!," as if I just returned after slipping out of the room; I think the frequency of our connection is working for him, too.

11. Tony and I have a very nice daily rhythm, giving one another space, making time for each other, day in, day out.

12. We have a porch, and it is my favorite place to be, first thing in the morning.

13. I have had some fabulous conversations with friends who live far away; we are connecting more regularly.

14. I am writing a lot. I journal every day.  I have rediscovered writing letters and cards.

15. I've gotten pretty skilled with short video tributes for birthdays and other celebrations.

16. I subscribe to the daily paper, as I have all my life, but find I hardly look at it now, only scanning, or reading Carolyn Hax. The news is painful. The paper works well in the garden, to block weeds, before mulching.

17. I am cooking more, trying new recipes.

18. My schedule could not be more open, with freedom to write, read, walk, nap, talk, eat, garden, laze about.

19. We are respecting social distancing guidelines and continue to be healthy, which means we get to see our children and our granddaughter (21 months old) regularly. (Though we wear masks around our youngest son, who works retail and thus more likely to come in contact with COVID.)

20. Plus, our granddaughter lives only 20 minutes away! Driving over to her house the other afternoon for a 'playdate,'  I thought - 

I am truly blessed; I have all that I need.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this. It is a great list of where you've been and where you are now during this pandemic. I liked the part about the bad news in the newspapers being great for garden fertilizer. While this has all been so sad, those of us who haven't been sick or lost a loved one seem to be finding comfort in a slower pace, surprisingly more connection even though we are further apart, and rediscovering the joy of nature. I love your last line.

  2. This is an excellent post. It's good to do the stock-taking, and any one of your items would be a good jumping-off spot for an essay or another SOL post. It is so nice you have a porch for early mornings. And don't worry about that ice cream. I don't have some every day, but there is always a pint in the freezer for when the need overwhelms.

  3. Love this post of taking stock. It's a great way to look around and realize how blessed we really are. Two of my grandboys are just 25 minutes away, but the other grandson and new granddaughter are in UT. It's hard to not see them. Long walks are a new normal for many of us.

  4. Maureen, what a wonderful post. Full of silver linings and challenges. I laughed out loud at #7 and 8. This: "I seem to follow a half-cup serving of ice cream with a handful of potato chips, and, honestly, neither of these should be in the house, let alone my body." Funny, but wishing you well! I agree, I love ice cream and chips, but I do try to keep them out of my body too. ;)

  5. Time and "freedom to write, read, walk, nap, talk, eat, garden, laze about" is a gift often underrated. Being healthy and being able to communicate with your loved ones is the most precious thing in life. You have so many more good things on your list.

  6. Wonderful List!!! Co-Vid did bring blessings and you have inspired me to count mine as well.
