Friday, March 29, 2019

SOL19 Slice #29 Restorative sliver

I am participating in the
 Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOL19)
All participants are writing about one moment, one part of their day, every day for the month of March 2019.

A big thank you to Two Writing Teachers for providing this unique opportunity
for teacher-writers to share and reflect.

Centerpiece with "talking pieces"

I find myself without a minute to spare today, and a panicky feeling that I cannot make a blogpost. Oh, but I must!!! It’s day 29 and I haven’t missed a day. I’ll spare you my jam-packed schedule and share notes from an excellent workshop I am attending about Restorative Practices in Schools. Here are snippets, almost a poem:

Circles let us see one another 
Everyone on the same level
Proactive approaches to build community 
Paradigm shift
Strongest human drive is compassion
Let’s have safety, belonging, and community 
Truth and reconciliation 
Listening from the heart 
Works best on the front end, preventing 
What do I want for my own children?

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