Friday, March 18, 2022

SOLSC 2022 #18 - To Life!


It is March 2022 and time for the
Every single day, for all thirty-one days of March,
writers will share stories.
Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for creating this supportive community 
of teacher-writers!

A friend shared this quote by Katerina Belash, Ukrainian refugee  - 

"Please do cherish a clear sky. Every single time you see sky, treasure every moment of your life."

For a long while now, perhaps since the pandemic began and my long walks have been a more daily routine, I have been taking lots of photos of the sky. I don't really do anything with them; I'm just intrigued by the sky's beauty, its vastness, its personality on a given day. Let me share a few of these photos from this month of March, as my post today. 

Happy Friday! To the preciousness of life!

(This is the sky right now, in Silver Spring, Maryland.)


  1. The blue sky is gorgeous. Driving along this morning and looking at our blue sky gave me a sense of anticipation for the warm days to come. I have an aunt in Florida who photographs the sky every day and posts them on social media. A friend in college always commented about clouds. I love the cumulus inez Texas gets. Here’s hoping we have more blue skies, both literal and metaphorical.

    1. Isn't it wild how 'grounding' it is to see the sky?

  2. Very pretty sky for you today- In Chicago is rainy and yuck. Thank you for sharing as it made me smile.

  3. It is so important to be thankful. I like how you incorporated the timely quote and sky pics to your slice. The one with the clouds is spectacular. Thank you for sharing.

  4. These were really pretty and they made me happy to look at because it was so rainy and cloudy where I was. Sometimes the sky gives us the best gifts.

    1. Thank you - I agree, "Sometimes the sky gives us the best gifts."

  5. I just wrote a post a day or two about how the skies lift me up! It was a pleasure to see your photos and share the same sense of gratitude and wonder.

    1. I will check your post out! Thanks for your comment!

  6. I love a photo post--and I love your skies! "Every single time you see sky, cherish every moment of your life." What an important message. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Thank you, Maureen. Very peaceful. Thank you for helping us to treasure these beauties. That one with the animal in the sky is intriguing. It's like the back half of a whale!
