Wednesday, March 18, 2020

SOL20 Slice #18: A walk

I am participating in the
 Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOL20).  
All participants are sharing stories about moments in their lives, writing 
 every day for the month of March 2020.
Thank you, Two Writing Teachers!

There's something about
the grey of the day,
the mournful cry of an anonymous bird,
the need to step around dog mess that someone
didn't scoop,
so many solitary figures walking on the bike path
in the middle of a work day,
the brown, curled leaves on so many trees that
missed a winter
and so
never fell away,
there's something about all this,
that makes me want to return home from my walk
and lose myself
in a carton of chocolate ice cream.

Melancholy wind chimes
aged copper
sing in the breeze
stop me and restart me.

I see her stretch to hold her mother's hand
as she toddles beside her,
I hear him laugh as he rides fast
down the hill
on his scooter,
Now I hear the creek babble,
l see the early cherry blossoms,
the yellow and orange daffodils,
I breathe in deeply,
the fresh and fragrant new spring air,
and think
maybe I just need a cup of tea
on the porch.

going out of my mind,
getting out of my head,
finding hope,
on a walk.


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing part of your day with us.

  2. This is exactly what I experienced on a a nice stroll of my neighborhood after a hard run/walk in my neighborhood. Isn't getting outside, just the best. We need many days like this. I love the lines..."getting out of my head, finding hope, on a walk."

  3. Maureen,
    I feel all this, too. The image of the dog poop and the grey day in the first verse makes me think about me-centric people, but I’m not surprised you move to a place of hope in the last verse. I want to see those cherry blossoms.
